
Raccy Tutorial

In this tutorial, we are going to scrape quotes.toscrape.com, a website that lists quotes from famous authors. We strongly recommend that you install raccy in a virtual environment to avoid conflict with your system packages. The source code for this tutorial is uploaded to github. You can find it from this link https://github.com/danielafriyie/raccy/blob/main/examples/quotes.py

This is the code we will use. Save it in a file called quotes.py:

from raccy import (
 model, UrlDownloaderWorker, CrawlerWorker, DatabaseWorker
 from selenium import webdriver
 from shutil import which

 config = model.Config()
 config.DATABASE = model.SQLiteDatabase('quotes.sqlite3')

 class Quote(model.Model):
     quote_id = model.PrimaryKeyField()
     quote = model.TextField()
     author = model.CharField(max_length=100)

 class UrlDownloader(UrlDownloaderWorker):
     start_url = 'https://quotes.toscrape.com/page/1/'
     max_url_download = 10

     def job(self):
         url = self.driver.current_url
         self.follow(xpath="//a[contains(text(), 'Next')]", callback=self.job)

 class Crawler(CrawlerWorker):

     def parse(self, url):
         quotes = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='quote']")
         for q in quotes:
             quote = q.find_element_by_xpath(".//span[@class='text']").text
             author = q.find_element_by_xpath(".//span/small").text

             data = {
                 'quote': quote,
                 'author': author

 class Db(DatabaseWorker):

     def save(self, data):

 def get_driver():
     driver_path = which('.\\chromedriver.exe')
     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
     driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=driver_path, options=options)
     return driver

 if __name__ == '__main__':
     workers = []
     urldownloader = UrlDownloader(get_driver())

     for _ in range(5):
         crawler = Crawler(get_driver())

     db = Db()

     for worker in workers:

     print('Done scraping...........')

Now all you have to do is run the code above and you are done!

Diving into the code


The models are designed is such a way that, the tables are created immediately you subclass the model.Model class without creating any object or instances or calling any create method. The tables will be created automatically when you run your code. The idea behind this is that, in web scraping, most of the time you’ll be inserting data into a database. So instead of writing code to define your models and and also writing code to create them, you just define your models and start inserting data into them. Off course this behaviour can be turned off. You can read more in the API Documentation.

In our model defined above Quote, there are just three fields:

quote_id represents the primary key field for our table.

quote this field stores the actual quote that we will scrape.

author this field stores the name of the author who created the quote.


As you can see, this class subclass the UrlDownloaderWorker class. This class is responsible for downloading the urls of items, in this case quotes, that we will scrape. Let us take a look at the attributes and methods defined:

  • start_url: this is the initial url our UrlDownloader will request from.

  • max_url_download: this defines the maximum number of urls the UrlDownloader is supposed to donwload.

  • job: this method is called to handle url extraction and also puts the extracted url into ItemUrlQueue


This class subclass CrawlerWorker class. This class is responsible for fetching web pages of the items we want to scrape. In our case quotes. The class receives url from ItemUrlQueue, fetches the web page and scrape or extract data from it. Let us take a look at the methods defined:

  • parse: this method is called to fetch web pages and scrape or extract data from them. The url parameter is the url received from ItemUrlQueue. The data is then put into DatabaseQueue.


This class subclass DatabaseWorker class. This class is responsible for storing scraped data into persistent database. Let us take a look at some of the methods defined:

  • save: this method is called to handle the process of storing scraped data into a database. The data parameter is the data received from DatabaseQueue.